Mehta Marketing and NRG Join Forces for "Choose To Give" Charity Event, Contributing $36,000 to Noble Causes

In a heartwarming display of corporate responsibility and community engagement, Mehta Marketing and NRG collaborated to organize the much-anticipated charity event, "Choose To Give." The event not only showcased the spirit of camaraderie but also raised an impressive $36,000 for various charitable causes.

The Power of Giving Back

Charitable initiatives have become an integral part of corporate social responsibility, and Mehta Marketing is at the forefront of this movement. "Choose To Give" was more than just a flag football game; it was an opportunity for two industry leaders to make a positive impact on the community.

The event attracted attention not only for the friendly competition on the field but also for the generosity displayed by Mehta Marketing and NRG. The $36,000 raised during the event will be directed towards supporting causes that align with the companies' commitment to social responsibility.

Media Coverage Highlights the Impact

The success of "Choose To Give" resonated through various media outlets, amplifying the positive message of corporate philanthropy. Articles like Crossing Broad's coverage praised the commitment of Mehta Marketing and NRG to giving back to the community.

The In-Phlight Podcast dedicated an episode to the event, highlighting the impact of corporate partnerships on community well-being. Listeners gained insights into the motivation behind Mehta Marketing and NRG's collaboration and the positive outcomes achieved.

Local news outlet 6abc covered the event, shedding light on the excitement of the flag football game and the substantial contribution made to charity. The coverage emphasized the broader significance of businesses actively participating in philanthropy.

A Closer Look at the Event

For those who missed the action, Mehta Marketing's media monitoring partner, TVEyes, provides a comprehensive overview of the media coverage surrounding "Choose To Give." The clips capture the excitement, interviews, and moments that made the event a resounding success.

Beyond the Game

"Choose To Give" goes beyond a charity event; it exemplifies Mehta Marketing and NRG's dedication to making a meaningful impact on the communities they serve. By leveraging their resources and influence, these companies are setting an inspiring example for others in the business world.

As businesses continue to recognize the importance of social responsibility, collaborations like the one between Mehta Marketing and NRG serve as a testament to the positive change that can be achieved when companies prioritize giving back.


In the spirit of "Choose To Give," Mehta Marketing and NRG have not only scored points on the football field but have also won the hearts of the community by contributing to causes that matter. As the ripple effect of their charitable efforts continues, it serves as a reminder that, indeed, the power to make a difference lies in the choices we make.

Mehta Marketing